One morning I left for work, and arrived home to find an acre of forest gone - flattened by this amazing (horrible, actually) Terminator-3 looking gizmo. Within days, all the fallen trees were hauled away, and in the ensuing weeks the fairly steep, rolling land was redesigned into an even steeper amphitheatre with a little softball field at the bottom.
Here's what our backyard looked like before the trees were massacred:

Not the end of the world, but kind of a sad event. The woods were great for the girls to play in - there was a nice trail that the XC team used, which made a scenic shortcut when we walked into town. Last summer there was a skunk family back there - a really beautiful matriarch and maybe 6 babies who would wander onto our lawn and commune with our cats peacefully. I think the school may have exterminated them, as I heard a loud bang one day and never saw the skunks again.
Now to the story that inspired the title of this post...this spring we got six barred rock chicks, which stayed in our basement for a while but eventually moved to a coop on the lawn. When they were big enough, I began letting them free range during the day, and as time passed they became more and more adventurous. Finally they made themselves known to our neighbors on their short walks up the road a bit. One of my neighbors caught my attention one day and asked "do you have chickens?" I thought uh-oh, is there some zoning restriction? But I answered truthfully, and she said "Oh that explains it! All the sudden I noticed chickens and I thought they must have been driven out of the woods when the construction started!" Yep, feral chickens. I kind of wish we'd let that story ride for a while. Here are the beasts (the four that remain), looking all wild and ferocious while lounging on the deck:
1 comment:
It was nice of 'em to build that garage (at the right ) for you after they cut down all those trees.
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