Thursday, August 7, 2008

Good Morning Sunshine! No? Oh.

So no rays of sun awoke me this morning, but I had a happy awakening anyway, thanks to these two:
Jasper, 90 pounds of curly brown love - mama's boy.

Hazel, 33 pounds of chatty happiness - mama's girl (one of 'em, anyway).

Most mornings involve a nose poke from the big brown one, Jasper. Some lucky days include full on cuddling. Jasper waits until "dad" vacates, then moves in. He likes to be spooned. Haze, the blue eyed beauty, has been my joybaby since the moment she emerged, red and velvety, more than four years ago. She is a love-bug, but does not always permit snuggling. On more than one occasion when I think I'll cuddle her to sleep at night, I've been dismissed with a sweet but firm "you can go now, mama." So this morning, when she curled up beside me with her head on my chest and drifted back to sleep, I was in nirvana.

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